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Cleaning and Disinfection


  • All caregivers must be trained and familiar with the organization’s sanitation protocols. 

  • Sanitation protocols must be revised as needed during an outbreak in order to address specific pathogens. 

  • When developing sanitation protocols, considerations must include an assessment of the facility or home, animal

  • population, training, equipment, and procedures. 

  • Protocols must be based on current knowledge and recommendations and include specific methods and agents for achieving the goal of both cleaning and disinfection. 

  • Time must be set aside to clean promptly and appropriately so animals spend the majority of their time in sanitary conditions. 

  • Detergents and degreasers must be used as needed to maintain clean surfaces free of visible dirt and debris. 

  • The disinfectants that are used must be effective under the conditions present in a given environment and with demonstrated activity against pathogens for which the animals are at risk. 

  • Sanitation protocols must include:

A) Removal of gross organic matter;
B) Pre-cleaning of surfaces with a detergent or degreaser; 
C) Application of a disinfectant at the correct concentration and for sufficient time for rinsing and drying. 

  • When water or cleaning and disinfecting products are sprayed in or near primary enclosures, animals must be removed from the cage or kennel or separated from the area being cleaned. 

  • All clothing and bedding used must be laundered and thoroughly dried before reuse. 

  • Food and water bowls must be disinfected prior to use by a different animal or housing community. 

  • When dishes are sanitized by hand, they must be thoroughly washed and rinsed prior to disinfection. 

  • Litter pans and dishes must not be cleaned at the same time in the same sink. 




  • Kennels or cages must not be sprayed down while animals are inside. 


Other Cleaning 


  • Outdoor areas must be kept clean (recognizing it is impossible to disinfect gravel, dirt, and grass). 

  • Feces must be removed from confined outdoor areas a minimum of once a day. 


Rodent/Pest Control


  • Solutions to rodent and pest problems must be humane, safe (no poisons), and effective. 


“Sanitation in animal shelters” UC Davis Koret Shelter Medicine

“Disease Control — The Role of Sanitation Training Playbook” Best Friends Animal Society

Cleaning and Disinfection
Other Cleaning
Rodent/Pest Control

© 2022  Pet Rescue Toolkit

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