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  • Rescue must maintain compliance with applicable federal and provincial occupational and safety regulations regarding chemical, biological, and physical hazards in the workplace. 

  • Hearing protection must be provided for anyone working in loud environments. 

  • Personal protective equipment (PPE) such as gloves, smocks, goggles, masks, etc. must provided by the rescue in order to protect personnel from exposure to chemical and biological agents. 

  • PPE must be available in sizes to accommodate all personnel, including those with special concerns such as latex allergies. 

  • Any staff (volunteer or unpaid) requires WHMIS (Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System) training if they will be in contact with biological or chemical hazards (e.g., fecal matter, disinfecting products).  




  • Enclosures of animals with suspected zoonotic disease must be clearly marked to indicate the condition and any necessary precautions. 


Animal-Related Injuries 


  • Personnel must be able to identify potential rabies exposures and understand the regulations that apply to reporting and managing bites to humans and animals. 

  • To identify possible rabies exposures, everyone presenting an animal must be asked if the animal has bitten anyone within the last 10 days or had any contact with wildlife.   

  • Clear policies must be developed and enforced regarding the management of animals with behavioural concerns. 

  • The cages of animals known to be aggressive or potentially dangerous must be clearly marked to advise caution. 

  • Alternate housing must be provided after 10 days for any animal housed in an enclosure that would require that dogs be removed by use of a control pole or cats be removed using nets or tongs for daily cleaning or care. 

  • A thorough investigation of individual circumstances must be undertaken before consideration is given to re-homing an animal with a history of biting or threatening behaviour. 




  • Animals housed beyond the legally required hold time in an enclosure that requires dogs to be removed by use of a control pole or cats to be removed using nets or tongs for daily cleaning or care. 




Attard, Esther, et al. “Canadian Standards of Care in Animal Shelters: Supporting ASV Guidelines.” Canadian Veterinary Medical Association.


“Best Management Practices for Animal Shelter and Rescue in the Province of Alberta.” Alberta Animal Health Source. Alberta Veterinary Medical Association.


Government of Saskatchewan, Rabies.

Animal-Related Injuries

© 2022  Pet Rescue Toolkit

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