Establishment of Policies and Procedures
Your organization demonstrate your current status as a registered not-for-profit.
The organization must have a clearly defined mission with policies and procedures that reflect current information, adequate and ongoing caregiver training and supervision, and proper management of animal care.
Policies must address resources and the legal/contractual obligations of the organization.
Rescues must follow the applicable legal holding periods for stray animals as per municipal legislation.
Protocols must be developed and written down in sufficient detail to achieve and maintain the standards set out by the Saskatchewan Animal Rescue Standards and updated as needed to ensure they reflect current industry norms and pertinent legislation.
All caregivers must have access to protocols related to the tasks they will be performing.
Management Plan
Veterinarians must have supervision of medical and surgical care of animals.
There must be a clearly defined structure that outlines accountability, responsibility, and authority for management within the organization and it must be communicated to all caregivers.
Authority and responsibility must be given only to those who have the appropriate knowledge and training.
A decision tree must be included as part of the organization’s policies and procedures relating to resource allocation, population health, and individual animal welfare. (See appendix.)
The skills, knowledge, and training to accomplish each task must be successfully documented and demonstrated before proficiency is assumed for all caregivers.
Animal Identification and Recordkeeping
Upon intake, a unique identifier (e.g., name and/or number) and record must be established for each animal.
“HSUS Guidelines for Animal Shelter Policies.” Humane Society International Electronic Library.
“Best Management Practices for Animal Shelter and Rescue in the Province of Alberta.” Alberta Animal Health Source. Alberta Veterinary Medical Association.
General information on Petpoint Data Management System. Petpoint Data Management System.
General information on Shelter Buddy Animal Database System. Shelter Buddy. RSPCA, 2012.
General information on iShelters. iShelters.