You can purchase a ready-made pet first aid kit or assemble your own kit with the following items. Talk with your veterinarian to discuss additional items that might be useful for your pet.
Remember to check the contents of the kit periodically to replace any expired or depleted supplies.
The Canadian Veterinary Medical Association recommends that your pet first aid kit include:
protective gloves
digital/rectal thermometer
rubbing alcohol
lubricating jelly
pen light
blanket for pet transport
adhesive tape
gauze squares
gauze roll
stretchy bandage
no-stick sterile wound dressing
hydrogen peroxide (3% strength)
antibacterial soap
sterile rinse solution (saline, used as a wound flush or eyewash)
clean syringes (1 cc and 5 cc)
cotton roll
splinting item (e.g., a wooden coffee stir stick or tongue depressor can be used for small pets)
bandage scissors
first aid ointment or cream
corn syrup